Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Letter to a sister in Christ

Hi Mindy

Thanks for the impromptu sharing and fellowship. I've been richly blessed. GOD convicted and spoke to me on several areas last evening.

I realised I was critical of ABC Church mainly based on the behaviour of those who are not walking rightly with the LORD. I know Pastor Hosea and the leadership of ABC Church are God-fearing people and they seek to glorify GOD. Their messages of affirmation are important in a hurting world, and I'm glad you shared how they ministered to you in your times of need. There will always be people who are just there to listen to the messages, feel good about themselves, and do nothing else, but this does not in anyway imply that the church is not doing right. It can however help to encourage people to take root somewhere. Supporting a church is not just in terms of tithing. GOD's work needs GOD's people & His people's time, not just their money, and it will do well to have these who are straddling between churches be told in a loving way that they need to demonstrate love through actions and commitment.

I don't understand the part about the church going into business, but I believe Pastor Hosea must have sought & obtained GOD's approval and blessings. In any case, time will tell. These are new things happening in a new era, and we don't know whether GOD wants churches to be run like businesses and conglomerates. That's really between the church leaders and GOD, and we are in no position to judge. It will however, do well for all of us to always go back to the Bible and seek the Holy Spirit's counsel at all times, not only when in doubt. In this way, we will be able to discern what we see and hear, because no man or pastor is infallible. Above all, always pray for the leadership in church because they are constantly under attack.

It's my prayer that those who have left my church & other churches to worship at ABC Church take root and walk wholeheartedly with the LORD. Only a tree that's planted by the waters and bearing fruits in season brings joy and nourishment to the weary traveller and to the One who planted it.

May you continue to walk and grow in the LORD. You are on the right track, and I believe He's using you to be a special encourager to others, a female Barnabas of sorts. We are constantly being challenged and transformed by GOD to conform to the perfect image of Christ Jesus, our LORD and Saviour, and we need to spur each other onto love and good works, and to sharpen one another as the Bible encouraged us.

The LORD's blessings be upon you & Benjamin.


Note: all names (except the author) have been changed to protect the identities of persons/organizations discussed.

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