Sunday, June 14, 2009

Conversation with a fellow believer on Twitter

Apollonia_316: Lying is an abomination to GOD. - Proverbs 8:1-36 If I desire "TRUTH" from HIS WORD for my salvation then I shall do the same 4 my brethren.

Thomas: @Apollonia_316 sin came into this world through a lie that was believed. If we lie, our father is not GOD, but the father of lies

Apollonia_316: @twhtan Yes sin truly did come in this world based on lies and false love...It's so much work to do with so little time.

Thomas: @Apollonia_316 "so much work to do with so little time" Yes. Christians can't afford to rest & relax. We're not in heaven yet.

Thomas: @Apollonia_316 yesterday I shared that we're sinners pardoned by GOD's grace, powered by the Holy Spirit & propelled by the love of Christ

Thomas: @Apollonia_316 The love of Christ cannot leave us inert. It should propel us into action, for the love of our neighbors, saved & unsaved

Apollonia_316@twhtan Amen! I just wish there were more brethren whom r dedicated to really helping instead of being stuck in egos on imaginary pedestals.

Thomas: @Apollonia_316 some reminders i keep: The first shall be last & the last shall be first. Have I forgotten my first love? Am I lukewarm?

Thomas: @Apollonia_316 GOD doesn't need us in His work. He merely invited us to join Him. We can't take anything for our credit, except our sins. (afternote: this statement is directed at those with ego that was mentioned 2 tweets above, not at Apollonia_316 )

Thomas: @Apollonia_316 so what egos are we walking about, my sister? Remember: GOD is gracious to allow His perfection to dwell in our imperfection (afternote: when I asked "what egos", I did not really expect an answer. I am saying we shouldn't have any ego because we are saved by grace & invited to do GOD's work, undeservedly)

Thomas: @Apollonia_316 Jesus said apart from Him, we are only fit to be thrown into the fire. That's the size of our ego. Be blessed:)

Apollonia_316@twhtan The egos of forgetting we were all once sinners and treating others whom sin as if they are diseased and not LOVING like HE asked.

Thomas: @Apollonia_316 that ego which you have just described belongs to satan. As for us, we remain slaves to Christ. He redeemed us.

Thomas: @Apollonia_316 if we must have something as big as satan's ego, let it be our heart and our faith, filled with love & trust in GOD

Apollonia_316@twhtan It's not taking credit but simply doing HIS WILL. Not ONLY did Jesus minister but he truly reached out to people in need.

Apollonia_316@twhtan You can't reach a non-believer with HIS WORD but with HIS LOVE first. - I Corinthians 13:1-7 Ministry is nothing without LOVE.

Thomas: @Apollonia_316 amen. The love of Christ propels us into actions for others, not self. We live & serve by the example of Christ.

Apollonia_316@twhtan I am done with the conversation...You got offended in just that short amount of time. - Proverbs 18:19 GOD's LOVE conquers all!

Thomas: @Apollonia_316 no sister, sorry if I've given the wrong impression. That's the prob with saying things is 160 chars or less.

Thomas: @Apollonia_316 I wasn't offended. I was responding to yr remarks abt people "being stuck in egos on imaginary pedestals" instead of loving

Thomas: @Apollonia_316 if u read in dat context, you'll see that i wasn't offended. I'm equally upset with those who forgot their position in Christ

Apollonia_316@twhtan Missing key is LOVE for one another as well! - I John 3:11-24...I John 4:7-21....Have a good day!

Thomas: @Apollonia_316 fully agree. That's why I've been saying we need to go forth in love. Pls don't think that I was offended. I wasn't at all

Thomas: @Apollonia_316 all my tweets earlier are in support of the fact that some are too full of themselves instead of doing the right thing

Thomas: @Apollonia_316 i'll line up our tweets in order in my blog so that you can see there's no offence. It was just a misunderstanding.

Apollonia_316@twhtan Romans 12:10-21...Romans 14-15:1-33...Colossians 3:12-17...Galatians 5:22...I Thessalonians 15...I Peter 3:8-22...Ephesians 4:2-32

Thomas: @Apollonia_316 you have a good day too & the LORD bless you. Time for morning prayer & getting ready for church & Sunday School :)

1 comment:

Jeanne said...

This is very interesting. I've not come across a Twitter/Blog combo yet. Very cool. Great out reach.