Friday, July 04, 2008

Prayer for Chad & Daphne

Heavenly Father,

Thank you for loving us. Thank you for bringing Chad and Daphne into our lives. We have been very blessed by this wonderful couple who has been serving with their talents, and I'm sure they have touched many lives for you.

Father, we are saddened by this turn of events but we are certain you are in charge and that you will see that Chad and Daphne stay together as man and wife, and will continue to honor you through their lives. Please help them through this period that they are physically apart. Let their hearts be drawn closer to each other and to you, and may the day come soon that they will be reunited physically for good.

Lord, you deeply love Chad and Daphne, I'm sure. We love them too. Please help this couple emerge stronger as a couple and as believers in you.

Thank you, Father. I'm so glad that you have heard my prayer. You will be the strength and wisdom for Chad and Daphne. May they continue to shine for you in the years ahead.

In Jesus's name,


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