Letter to Mommy
我们非常感谢您这些年来细心的照顾我们,爱护我们。虽然我们这几十年来多次对您不礼, 甚至伤了您的心,你还是不断地关心我们,栽培我们。即使伟利和我都已经成家立业了,你还是时常献出爱心, 并且关怀孙子女。
世上没有一个人是完美的。虽然我们时常批评您,我们自己的品性也有不少“漏洞”, 比如脾气坏,骄傲,自大,没耐性等等。在此,让我们说声,“妈妈,对不起”。
Letter to Papa
10th May 2008
Dear Papa
Thank you for agreeing to join us on this special Mother's Day celebration. It was my (Wee Huang's) idea after I realized we have hardly sat down for a family meal, ever since we grew up and ever since Wee Lee and I started our own families. It doesn't help that we have always been a family of such few words whenever we got together. Even if we don't say much today, it's ok; let's be ourselves. The least that we could do is to get together as a family, your family, and spend time together.
The Myanmar Cyclone which struck last Friday reminded me once again that life is so unpredictable. One week earlier, the Myanmar nationals were celebrating new year like never before, and I remember wishing my colleague a Happy New Year; one week later, a hundred thousand lay dead, with more to come.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for being a wonderful father all these years. Though you do not say much, we know that you love us through your actions. You were there for us when we were bullied by the Malay kids downstairs. You taught us table-tennis and imparted to us a love for sports and adventure (remember the overnight beach camp in your army tent?), and more importantly, a spirit of perseverance, pressing on, never giving up and never becoming over-confident. Like Nike who sponsored you, you embraced the "Just do it" spirit. We are all so proud of your award-winning accomplishments in sports, though we don't openly say it.
A Sunday School student of mine lost his mother when he was 11 and his father one year later. I was like a father to him, and even yesterday, he asked if I would be going for a drama that he's attending. He taught me the importance of cherishing our loved ones, especially our family members, because it's never too early to say "Thank you" and "I love you", though it can be too late.
So, Papa, with this simple lunch and letter, let us say "We love you, Papa". We are sorry for the times we have hurt, angered or disappointed you. Thank you for continuing to love us, despite our flaws, and thank you for sharing your love with our children too.
With love from,
Your sons Wee Huang, Wee Lee and Wee Wee
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