Monday, November 05, 2007

No wonder Jesus wept

I weep for you.
Turn back before it is too late.
God loves you as much as He loves me and everyone else.
Sure, you are no longer the kid I knew.
You are now a yuppie.
Self-assured, popular, rich.
Blessed with the gift of the gab and a high IQ.
Your abilities, age, power and position do not give you
a license to sin.
They do not exempt you from God's judgment
whom all men must face.
Your parents have walked away from God.
Does that give you the right to do the same?
Do you think they are able to defend you
when you face God on Judgment Day?
They can't even defend themselves, Dude,
if they continue to live without regards for God.
Every man must face God on His own,
whether or not you believe in Him,
and that includes your parents and friends.
If your choice is to go on living life the way you like
Living life as if there is no God to answer to
Treating sexual perverseness as an entitlement for adults
And surrounding yourself with like-minded pals,
Be warned.
Because when you face God as the Judge
Rather than the Loving Father, Friend & Saviour
You will be as a naked babe.
Your credentials, money, friends and influences
Will all be burned away in an instant.
Just YOU the way God has made you
and GOD.
And there's only one question you need to answer:
What have you done with Jesus my Son?

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