Sunday, June 17, 2007

A Grateful Heart

Oh Lord my God
How excellent Your name is
How excellent Your name in all the earth
Your glory fills the heavens
Beyond the farthest star
How excellent Your name in all the earth
When I think about the heavens
The moon and all the stars
I wonder what you ever saw in me
You took me and you loved me
And You've given me a crown
And now I praise Your name eternally
Oh Lord my God
How excellent Your name is
How excellent Your name in all the earth
The lyrics of this song resounded in my head as joy and thankfulness filled my heart to overflowing. Along the river by the building where I work, I belted out these words into the air around me. Didn't matter that I drew some stares. Didn't matter that I wasn't on location shooting a MTV (and I hardly look like a pop star). Didn't matter that I was repeating that one song over and over again. All it matters then was that I expressed these words receiving His love for me with all my heart. The Lord has made Himself my God, my personal God.
I had nothing when He restored me with His strong tender love and continues to encourage me to move forward.
He abides by me when others have moved on. He helps me not to give up on myself or on others. He knew that this stutter would need to express herself, so He gave her the passion to run and write. I run much slower now. Much like life. When we were younger, we lived by leaps and bounds. As we get older, we live more cautiously, reservedly, and conscientiously. Part of the inspiration in this song for me was a gratitude for the relationships that I have in my life, folks who have come this far with me. I sang because despite the drudgery in life, there is still cause to give thanks.
God has made everything beautiful for its own time. He has planted eternity in the human heart, but even so, people cannot see the whole scope of God's work from beginning to the end. So I concluded that there is nothing better for people than to be happy and to enjoy themselves as long as they can. And people should eat and drink and enjoy the fruits of their labour, for these are gifts from God. Ecclesiastes 3:11-13 NLT.
Sv   ".+

1 comment:

Thomas WH Tan said...

Hi sv,

There's a time to hang on, and a time to let go and let God.

Just to share that my wife and I have been drained in some ways ministering to a family. We prayed with concern and reached out in love, but saw no fruits or progress after years. I thought about the story of The Prodigal Son. When he wanted out, did his father tie him down? No, in love and wisdom, he let go and let God. Though things took a turn for the worse before the lad came to his senses, just the fact that God touched him and brought him back in His own timing, is a cause for celebration.

In the same way, we now leave this family to God to touch them in His own timing. We still pray for them but we no longer try to help like a parent anxious over his child's safety. God knows best:)