Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Sex & the City (of Singapore)

Lately, local newspapers have seen screaming headlines of local teenagers filming themselves having sex. Whether you like it or not, the video capabilities of today's 3G phones merely help bring to surface a problem which many have known for years. Teens today are a lot more sexually active than those of yesteryears, and a more sexually permissive society that does not openly discourage pre-marital sex, extra-marital affairs, and homosexuality, can only help escalate this problem.

No matter how progressive a society is, the state of social issues is a true measure of the real progress that society has made, and very often, a highly "progressed" society is really worse off than before. Somewhere in the world, researchers are engaged in highly publicised and financed efforts trying to determine if homosexuality is natural. Closer home, we have seen reports of all-night beach parties where sex, drugs, booze (and oh yes, music) are the order of the day; sex orgies where the participants range from students to mature adults; and young people offering a glimpse into what they look like & do in the raw through webcams.

Sex and sleaze, they all sell, and the media knows that well. That's why we see almost nude pictures of women and men these days in the print and moving media (by that, I mean bus ads, MRT ads AND TV ads). That's why we see shows enticing women to lose weight so that they can share the same jacuzzi as a handsome hunk. That's why we see shows featuring women putting on a sleazy front, bragging about their escapades in a light-hearted manner. That's why we see more and more sex-oriented magazine titles on the racks showing women in a compulsory low-cut frontal shot with headlines encouraging people to explore sex outside the realms of marriage. It's ok to be naughty, bad is good, or so, it seems.

Without undue respect to our national pledge writer, the late Mr Rajaratnam, if we are really honest about the state of affairs, perhaps we should amend the last line of our national pledge to read "so as to achieve happiness, prosperity, and progress for our nation, but not at the expense of our core values and moral foundation, please."

All this is a sad sign of people wanting attention and love, and seeking it the wrong way. Nobody gets real love from anyone by offering him/her our body. It just doesn't work out that way, and countless tales of people who walk down the path of 5-minute fame and notoriety by trading their flesh, only to find emptiness and shame at the end of it, are enough to prove that point. I am not condemning those who have chosen to do it, but just speaking the truth in love. Love doesn't come this way. If you are caught in such a lifestyle, get out immediately. Like drugs, addicts of the flesh often doesn't know it hurts until it's too late.

So tell, me, what is love?

Love never gives up.
Love cares more for others than for self.
Love doesn't want what it doesn't have.
Love doesn't strut,
Doesn't have a swelled head,
Doesn't force itself on others,
Isn't always "me first,"
Doesn't fly off the handle,
Doesn't keep score of the sins of others,
Doesn't revel when others grovel,
Takes pleasure in the flowering of truth,
Puts up with anything,
Trusts God always,
Always looks for the best,
Never looks back,
But keeps going to the end. (The Message, 1 Cor 13:4-7)
May God bless you readers,


CGBROFMI said...

Excellent blog Thomas. I was saddened and maybe a little shocked by some aspects but you have said what needs to be said. This message needs to be distributed around the young people in the church so they can take it out into their world. Only peer pressure from our Christian young people will start to loosen Satans grip on other young people who are locked into the present hell-bent race to perdition. If that sounds scary and OTT to you, it sounds scary and OTT to me - but its what I heard the Lord say to me.

Keep speaking the unpopular to the unheeding - you are seeding for the Holy SPirit to do His work in their midst. AMEN

Bless you all

Chris (CGBROFMI on Twitter)

onassignment said...

The picture you have painted of our society, not just Singapore, is accurate and chilling. Every society that has imploded upon itself had a similiar history as what we are witnessing today.
Our society has been so hardened to the things of God and the holiness of God that it approaches reprobate status. But so merciful and longsuffering and is still waiting on His Church to wake up, get out there and love those who do not yet know how much He loves them. The Church holds the keys to building the Kingdom of God in the earth. Let's go!