Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Another miracle!

Just minutes ago, a piece of hardened cotton ball measuring 1cm long and 0.5cm thick dropped out from my right ear.

[The photo below shows the cotton ball next to my 8-yr old daughter Rachel's index finger].

I do not know when it got lodged in my ear. I had not felt any pain or discomfort, and there certainly hadn't been any infection in the ear. It could have been there for months or even years as the last time I had this ear checked by an audiologist was years ago. When the audiologist checked my ear last weekend, she had a worried look on her face. She spoke with a sense of urgency, telling me repeatedly that I need to see an ENT specialist soon to remove whatever is lodged in my ear.

I prayed and asked GOD to remove this without the help of a specialist. Out of curiosity, I checked with a specialist in private practice and found out that the estimated charges for ear syringing with consultation and medication would average S$300 and above. That alone would more than wipe out my entire medical claim entitlement for a year.

Anyway, it is not about how costly a specialist session would be. I believe GOD is the only specialist I need. I started praying on Sat. By yesterday which was Tue, I felt a little pain in my ear, and the ear seemed swollen. This evening, after shower, I felt that this foreign object, whatever it is, will come out tonight. I prayed again, and about 25 minutes later, it came out! I was shocked when I saw that it was a cotton ball and I was amazed at its size. It was bigger and broader than the end of a typical cotton bud. It was also covered with discoloured ear wax, indicating that it may have been in there rather long. I shouted with joy, giving praises to GOD, for only He alone could have done this miracle. Hallelujah!


1 comment:

aapclim said...

Our God is the same yesterday, today and forever. He is a miracle performing God today. We are in still in the age of miracles!