Singapore must be the envy of many a nation. A nation where people of different faith and race live in harmony. There is freedom of religion in that one is free to practise any faith that doesn't run afoul of the law. Christians do not need to meet secretly, unlike the house church Christians in China, and many church buildings easily stand out in the community where they are planted, as large, modern facilities, usually fully air-conditioned, except perhaps for the carpark. As churches grow to epic proportions and compete for members, some even running businesses, many may be forgiven for thinking that they have a mandate to establish Heaven on Earth here on this little red dot. Without the creature comfort and the status accorded for being associated with these churches, would many remain to be counted as believers? Have "blessings", prestige and comfort lulled the Christian into a false faith that's built on sand, instead of the rock named Jesus Christ, whose life on Earth was anything but comfortable, who was scorned for His belief in God, despised and forsaken even by His closest friends? Would the church in Singapore recognise Jesus if He came to Sunday Service as a pauper, instead of being driven in a big car? Didn't Jesus ride the donkey during His days, instead of the horse as one would expect of a royalty?
The greatest challenge to Christians in Singapore is not persecution or oppression but temptation and deception, and all that comes with the progress that's synonymous with Singapore. Counter that by looking deep into the Word of God. Repent and seek Him as you have never done before. Today. He longs for believers who surrender fully to Him and He has said few walk the narrow path that leads to life. With millions of church-goers worldwide, is it possible that some are headed the wrong way, especially those who knew Christ first but have since grown comfortable with heaven on earth? Don't fall by the wayside. Understand what it means to take up His cross daily and follow Him. Then do a reality check on our walk with God. Be unafraid to change if the Word of God says we need to, before it's too late.
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