So the Word became human and made his home among us. He was full of unfailing love and faithfulness. John 1:14 NLT.
For the law was given through Moses, but God's unfailing love and faithfulness came through Jesus Christ......He has revealed God to us. John 1:17-18 NLT.
God in Jesus Christ has never ceased to reveal, reconcile and restore to humanity that which was lost through the ages from oppression, prejudice, fear, ignorance, small mindedness, hatred, greed and lust; in the individual, in cultures, in society and that which I believe is close to His heart, the body of Christ.
Then Jesus returned to Galilee, filled with the Holy Spirit's power......when he came to the village of Nazareth, his boyhood home, he went as usual to the synagogue on the Sabbath and stood up to read the Scriptures. The scroll of Isaiah the prophet was handed to him. He unrolled the scroll and found the place where this was written: "The Spirit of the LORD is upon me, for he has anointed me to bring Good News to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim that captives will be released, that the blind will see, that the oppressed will be set free, and that the time of the LORD's favour has come." Luke 4:14,16-19 NLT.
Then he began to speak to them. "The Scripture you've just heard has been fulfilled this very day!" Luke 4:21 NLT. The fullness of God was brought to life in Jesus who reached out and touched the lives of people from any cultural, societal, economical and religious background. He was unflinchingly always completely himself with anyone anywhere. All were included in Him, none was excluded. The poor, the sick, the despised, women, children, outsiders, the demon possessed, even those who betrayed and persecuted him were invited to find wholeness in Him.
Jesus told him, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me." John 14:6 NLT.
The thief's purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life. John 10:10 NLT.
On November 4th 2008, the people of the United States of America created a revolutionary and historical moment in the history of the country which will set the pace that will deepen and broaden how people see and live as Americans for generations to come.
Barack Obama, age 47, became the first African American to be elected to the highest office in the country, as the 44th President Elect of the United States of America. To think that four decades ago, the country was still torn apart by civil rights movement.
During that time, the country witnessed the assassinations of Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X. These men were proud of who they were, stood up for what they believed in and gave their lives for it. In the words of the 44th President Elect, “Out of many, we are one” and “our stories are singular but our destiny is shared”.
God in fullness in those who believe in Him will see humanity as He has intended it to be, not being shackled by mindsets that shrink life but continually redefining itself to drink in, create and allow LIFE to OVERFLOW in and through us! TO LIVE, TO LOVE and finally understand with every inch of our being what we are, to be ALL that we can be!
As Irenaeus once observed, “The glory of God is man fully alive.”
In Christ,
Sv ",+
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