Monday, November 10, 2008

A personal journey of faith

November 10, 2008.
It was a beautiful rainy day. As I watched thin sheets of rain danced across the river, my heart resonated to its gentle rhythm.

I turned 35 over the weekend. For the last 35 years, I have shared the same birthday with one fella, my twin brother.
Conceived together, we evolved separately. Unique in our journey of faith and life.
Sometimes we tend to forget that even as laws are stated in the Bible, each person's journey of faith is unique.
Only the Creator knows and only He can understand and accommodate our fears and courage to live as who we are, and as one made in His image.
Not solely based on doctrines and codes of conduct erected as the bastion of society and religion that may unwittingly destroy the spiritual paths of others.
Just as different organs make up the body, so do different flora make up the forest. Is a flower lesser a flora than a tree? No, they are just different.

But the time is coming - it has, in fact, come - when what you're called will not matter and where you go to worship will not matter. "It's who you are and the way you live that count before God. Your worship must engage your spirit in the pursuit of truth. That's the kind of people the Father is out looking for: those who are simply and honestly themselves before him in worship. God is sheer being itself - Spirit. Those who worship him must do it out of their very being, their spirits, their true selves, in adoration." John 4:23-24 The Message.

On the anvil,
Sv ".+

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