To: Rebecca, Tricia, Hannah, Sagar, Daniel, Justin, Cheng Han, Jaymie, Abner and Angeline
Tomorrow marks the end of the 2 years that I taught you in Sunday School, from the time you were in Primary 5. These 2 years have been a very fulfilling time of my life, ever since I started teaching in Sunday School some years back. I used to teach in Mighty K.I.D.S for 5 years and when I left to teach in Sunday School, I did not have any problem with the transition. It's not that I did not miss teaching in Mighty K.I.D.S but somehow, I didn't form any strong attachment with the kids that I was teaching each Sunday. Perhaps I was performing and entertaining, more than interacting, perhaps I spent much lesser time with the kids each week or perhaps I was much younger then; I'm not sure.
But one thing I do know, as these 2 years draw to a close, I feel a tinge of sadness and a lump in my throat; just like what I once felt when I left my family to serve National Service in Taiwan for 6 months. You see, I was barely 19 years old then, and had never left my family for longer than a week. When I had to leave my family for half a year, my heart was heavy. I didn't want to say "goodbye".
This, is how I am feeling now.
As I flipped through the Sunday School course book and pondered over which lesson I should teach tomorrow, none of the chapters looked right. None seemed good enough for tomorrow, the last time I will be teaching you in Sunday School. It's not just any other Sunday. How can I bear to use that whole hour for just another typical lesson taken straight out from the course book?
I realized what I ought to do. I want to thank and bless each of you personally, if it's the least that I could do, before you move on to a different phase of your lives in another 4 days.
To: Rebecca
In my eyes, you are the sweetie who has blossomed into a young lady over these 2 years. I remembered clearly your compliments for my daughters and wife, just barely after I started teaching this class. Actually I considered you as my daughter. When you performed in dances and dramas, along with Jaymie, Sagar and Justin, I watched for all of you just like any proud parent. At the family camp in KL last year, I was glad that Hannah, Sagar and you were there. I am thankful for the questions that you asked during Sunday School, and that you made an effort to note down the answers. You have truly been an encouragement to me.
Continue to explore and stay rooted in God's Word and His promises for you, Rebecca. It is my prayer that you will grow up to be a God-fearing and God-honoring woman, and be a blessing as always to those around you. Continue to stay humble and walk rightly with God.
To: Tricia
I remembered you as a toddler many years ago, yet I barely knew you until you came into my class. I am truly blessed by your presence. I see the same God-fearing and God-honoring qualities in you as I have seen them in your mom and dad. Although you may come across as being more cheeky than your brother, you have been a blessing to many of us. Whenever I needed a response, you were always ready with a good answer. Thank you, Tricia.
May God continue to guide you in your years ahead, nurturing the seed of His Word which has been planted in you. May you continue to be humble, to be a friend to those around you, and be unafraid to take a firm stand concerning your faith in God.
To: Hannah
You have been a blessing to me in many ways. Although you were mostly quiet and shy, I have been blessed by your humility and unassuming ways. God has ministered to me in many ways through you and your loved ones. I will remember the time we spent at the family camp in KL last year with your family.
Do know that God is always with you, as you enter into your teenage years, Hannah. He is faithful and will guide you along as long as you continue to trust in Him in accordance with Proverbs 3:5-6. Continue to be humble, as I have repeatedly urged the rest, for we know that God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.
To Sagar:
I considered you my son, Sagar. I have been blessed by your spontaneous answers and comments during our lessons. You have never failed to brighten up the class and add a touch of fun and excitement. Without you, the class would have been so quiet. I guess God made all of us different, some reserved, some chatty, so that together, we can make a difference. Like for Rebecca, I have been watching out for you ever since I knew you have been participating in our church's performances. My kids knew you well as I regularly pointed you out to them.
Thanks for being yourself, Sagar. No one is perfect, and we are all being molded towards perfection by our loving Father in heaven. As you graduate into a teenager, let your foundation in God's Word grow stronger so that you will continue to shine for others in this presently dark world. Be like David, a man after God's own heart.
To Daniel:
Though you are often soft-spoken and reserved, I feel your presence each time you are here. In many ways, you are like me. I, too, am a quiet and reserved person, and God must have His reasons for letting me serve in a teaching ministry. Likewise, I believe God will continue to use you for His kingdom, shining in your own unassuming and unglamorous ways. I am very blessed that you took the role of the father in the story of the prodigal son at our play last Sunday. You did very well.
Daniel, my prayers are that you will continue to walk closely with the Lord Jesus Christ. Be wise & steadfast like your namesake in the Old Testament. May you go forth to be a man of Christ, and be a blessing unto all around you. May you shine for Jesus and touch many lives for Him in the years ahead.
To Justin:
Thanks for being the person that you are. You are always supportive and participative. "Sporting" is the word that I would use to describe you. When I spotted you in the drama - One Night Stand, I pointed you out to my kids excitedly. Thanks for always trying and chipping in. You are a student that every teacher would love to have.
It's my prayer that you will continue to grow strong in the Lord, Justin. God has His purpose and plans for you. Continue to seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and continue to serve Him in every opportunity granted to you. May the Lord bless you as always.
To Cheng Han:
Thanks for being in this class. I enjoyed the way you respond to Sagar's teasings. You are always patient and sporting. I can see that you put in effort as we studied God's Word in the past 2 years. Thanks for being your sporting self and acting in our prodigal son drama last Sunday. I am sure you enjoyed yourself as much as the rest of the cast and audience.
Cheng Han, in the year ahead, cling on more to God's Word. Do not forsake it, especially in the face of trials and temptations. It's my prayer that God's peace will guard your heart and your mind in Christ Jesus, and that you will grow up to be a man of God, pointing others to Jesus.
To Jaymie:
Although you disappeared in the last few months of this year, I enjoyed your presence in those Sundays that you were with us. As in the case of Rebecca, Sagar and Justin, I have been an eager member of the audience whenever you performed in any of the dances.
You are no stranger to God's Word. As you enter into the next phase of your life, recognize that the world will try to pull you into her side. It's my prayer, Jaymie, that you will hold fast to God's Word. Don't let it go at all costs. You will need God even more in the years ahead, just as Jesus demonstrated His need for the Father at all times. Continue to walk closely with God and serve Him with all your heart.
To Abner:
Though you have only joined us on a few occasions, I remember you well. You have blessed me, as well as the class, with your answers and participation. Although you couldn't join us in the Sunday School drama last week, I have thoroughly enjoyed your rehearsal with us, and also your participation in the Heavenly Hero, Chosen One drama last Christmas.
Abner, choose to focus on God and let His Word be the foundation of your life. Let the Holy Spirit guide you in the years ahead. May you grow stronger in God's Word, and may you continue to serve Him and shine for Jesus. Be humble, as I have urged the rest, for Jesus himself is.
Last, but not least, to Angeline:
Although you joined us only not too long ago, I enjoyed your presence. I can see that you try hard in your answers and participation. I personally believe God will continue to mold you into a woman of God. Only do not forsake His Word, but hold fast to it, as I have urged the rest. I am sure He has led you out of darkness, so that you can in turn lead others.
As you move on Angeline, may God continue to work in your life, and strengthen you. May you desire more and more of the Lord Jesus Christ, and may He use you to touch your loved ones and friends, pointing them to Jesus, the Truth, the Way and the Life.
Finally, to all of you, before we part ways, let me share something. Even as I taught you Sunday after Sunday, you were really teaching me as well. While I taught you from the course book and sometimes from my life, you taught me wholly from your life. I am truly blessed to have you share the final two years of your primary school life with me. I do hope I have been a blessing to you in some ways in this crucial phase as you prepare to enter into your teenage years. Please forgive me where I have fallen short.
May God bless you all in everything that you do. May He shine through you and build you up, so that one day, you will also build the next generation for our Lord Jesus Christ. May you love the Lord as always, so that His love for you and me is and will never be in vain.
Uncle Thomas
29-30 Dec 2007
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