Thursday, March 29, 2007

This morning's devotion

I am glad this came and went smoothly.

I cannot explain how anxious I was. In fact, this morning, I was up at 4.30am wondering what God wanted me to share in this session. I had earlier planned to share about She, but somehow felt it wasn't the right timing. I was also tempted to retell the story of the asshole because of a recent unpleasant experience with a colleague. But I know God wanted me to do an object lesson with balloon sculpture this morning because last night, I made an agreement with God - if I am able to buy the balloons, I will do it; otherwise, I will do something else. So, it turned out that when Veron & I almost gave up hope of buying balloons for sculpturing, we found them for sale at a Fairprice outlet in Tampines.

This morning, in the wee hours, I started typing away at the PC, noting down whatever thoughts that came to my mind, which can be used for the sharing this morning. I was desperate, to say the least. By the time I finished writing down my thoughts at 7am, I started twisting a few balloons, and realised how "rusty" my balloon sculpturing has become since doing that in children's ministry years ago. I was a little nervous, and decided to pick the easiest animal that I can sculpt - a dinosaur. Trying to preach and sculpt wasn't easy, and to make things worse, I could only revise my script on the way to office.

When I reached office, one of the first things I did was to pray. This was followed by twisting the dino a couple of times, and then it was time. As usual, I was concerned about my ability to hear (and hence, interact with the rest of the audience). It was to be an interactive object lesson, but only God knows I have been struggling with hearing, regardless of which hearing aid I put on. In fact, even before today, I was thinking of telling my colleague this will be the last time I lead a corporate devotion, because speaking and interacting with a large audience isn't easy. Moreover, because of recent unpleasantries between a colleague and me, I was disappointed about being here in the first place. I want to channel my energy and talents to serve God and meet the needs of people; not to waste time working with people who are not serious about doing God's work.

Nonetheless, I told God He's my only help now. I didn't pull out of leading this devotion or prayer, so I expect God to do His part and help me through. And boy, did God oblige! I not only had a good time doing the object lesson, the audience seemed to have enjoyed it as well. It was much, much better than what I expected. Furthermore, the balloon didn't burst at all. It's truly a miracle, at least for me, and I am really thankful for God's help through this all. It makes waking up at 4.30 this morning all the more worthwhile, knowing that your audience can identify with your message.

Praise the Lord :)



Emay said...

i love the dinosaur! i'm glad u did it. it's not very often i enjoy the chapel sessions anymore but i always look forward to your sharing. =)

sorry to hear abt ur situation with a colleague.

one thing i've learnt is that i can't control what they do or say, but i can control how i react... not easy tho... i find myself moping to my bf and family all the time before i finally knock my head and ask myself 'y do i let them affect me so much? i am here to serve Him and i know that as long as i please Him, their views and actions don't matter'... =)

i thank God for you and greatly appreciate all that you've done for us and are doing for us.

it is an incredible thing that u can stand up in front to share about Him even when you have problems with your hearing. May He honour you as you honour Him. He never shortchanges us.

May He continue to bless you and your family in abundance and may your household be filled with joy, laughter, peace and love daily! =)

Thomas WH Tan said...

Thanks for your support and words of encouragement, Emay. You really made my day :)

Yes, I know what matters is that I look to God and I know He receives our efforts with approval, even though others may not. Thanks for reminding me of this.

Personally, I can see God has blessed your department, and it's simply because your team submits to Him. I would call your boss God-fearing. Continue to do what is right and pleasing in His sight.

You know something? I am really thankful for you and Adam for being my constant help with the songs. Being hearing-impaired has taught me from a young age the principles behind the story of the asshole. Glad to have both of you partner me with the devotion sessions thus far. You have been a tremendous blessing, and I look forward to having you bless us again with the beautiful words of songs written to glorify Him.

Emay said...

It is my privilege to be a part of your devotion sessions. I thank God for giving me a chance to serve Him in this area.

what's the story of the asshole? i've never heard of it before. =)