Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Lunching with my father

Did I share this? I don't think so, but last Fri, I actually lunched alone with my father. This has rarely happened in my life. Usually when I do invite my father to have lunch or dinner, he will find some ways to turn me down. He is not the sociable kind, especially with his family members. So, when he accepted my suggestion, I was elated. It's a miracle, by any measure. I remember my Sunday School student Saga praying for me, not once, but twice, to give my father a hug to show my love for him. Although I didn't hug him, lunching with him alone seems like a hug to me, no less.

It was the day before I flew off for Atlanta. I shared how I wasn't looking forward to this trip. It was plain comforting just to be with my father alone. I sought Dad's advice about power adaptors and some stuff and it got him talking. With Dad, you need to ask him for help before he will open up. I also let him pay for my drinks as I can sense that he wanted to.

So, both father and son had a simple lunch at a coffeeshop. And a little chat. Dad shared with me about the plight of some of his peers, some of which have no one to look after them in their sunset years which are beset with ailments. He also shared his concerns about the homeless who have made East Coast Park their home.

We looked just like any other in the lunch time crowd chatting over a meal, but little did anyone realise that this event, this lunch, this chat, is a rare sighting, something rarer than the eclipse of the Sun. Perhaps on par with Halley's Comet. Well, they won't know of course and they won't care, but this son treasures this in his heart for as long as he lives, which by the way, is for eternity.

May God bless you as you spend time with your loved ones.


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