Saturday, October 01, 2005

Cheated, but what the heck!

It's amazing how some people will do anything to take advantage of others as long as it benefits them. Although most people do not fall into this category, if you have encountered one in your lifetime, don't despair, because I just did, and it's simply unexplainable why they are like that.

I have been observing for a while, how this person would take advantage of any loophole, even if there were none, to beat a system. For instance, he would park on a grass verge a short distance from a public carpark to save some money. He would pay for a ticket to an event and encourage more 2 or 3 persons to share the ticket pass. He would delay payment as long as he could, until the party to whom he owed drops the claim against him out of frustration. One of his staff related to me that he has repeatedly held back her pay cheque by up to 5 days on months, and asked her to transfer personal money into the company's account whenever the company's bank account runs low.

I found myself on the receiving end, although I have half-suspected he would.

I resigned recently and was told that I need not serve out the remaining notice period. But, he requested that I wait till month-end to get my last pay cheque so as not to add more work to my ex-colleague who's handling payroll. Being considerate, I agreed and yesterday made my way down to collect my last pay cheque. There was no payment in lieu of the notice period not served out, and when I called him, he said it is his practice not to pay for notice period not served out. I was puzzled. I told him that it was him who requested that I not serve out the notice period. He told me plainly that I left in a hurry, which wasn't the case, since I volunteered to stay on till the full period is served out. I then asked him about my commission, and he said firstly, I wasn't entitled to any because I did not meet my quota. When I reminded him that I exceeded my quota for at least one month, he said he would check again, but even then, he will only start paying on the 15th of next quarter, and only for those sales whom the customer has paid up in full. And even then, he said I should arrange with him for a face-to-face session to discuss about the commission. I checked with his secretary and found out that he's going to be away for most of next month, and since I would have started working by then, I don't know how I can easily find time to fit his schedule to discuss these things.

I saw his ploy in all these things.

I was tempted to write in to the Ministry of Manpower but once I thought over it, I decided to let all matters rest. I will not claim for the notice period not served out or the commissions. To me, if someone chooses to exploit and make things onerous for others, he's free to do anything he wants. I will have nothing to do with it, as I do not want to be robbed of my peace and time by pursuing such matters and continuing to be agitated by him. Letting go is sometimes wiser than insisting on our rights.

Look at the Everitt Road and Simei sagas where neighbours wage war with each other and traded insults unmentionable. Think of prolonged legal battles for family or country club feuds. It's not worth it, if you value God's peace, trust in His provision, and look forward to other wonderful things He wants you to focus your energy on.

After all, Romans 12: 19 says:
"Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written: "It is mine to avenge; I will repay," says the Lord."

As to why some people behave this way, seeking constantly to exploit the weaknesses of others, it is nothing new. Perverseness and greed have no limits, as is with any sin. Look at the sex predators, those who seek out children, women, and the poor to abuse.

2 Timothy 3:12-13 says:
"In fact, everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted, while evil men and impostors will go from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived."

This is the way the world is. Deceivers are part of the package. Don't leave this world being one of them.

May God bless you, readers.

Category: Sounding Board, cf_


Anonymous said...

Amen! Peace. do not let anyone rob that peace away from you. the greatest gift from God that i have ever received is really PEACE. to soar in His peace is really all that anyone can ask for. -lynne

ElastiWoman said...

Hi Thomas.
Will c u at THE wedding. Violet and prob Dash will be there. Mr Incredible and Jack jack will stay at home. 8-)

When things are more organised here, I'll gather all u good folks at my new house for a good pot of curry!

God bless!